Thursday, June 2, 2016

IRS FOIA Request Locations

I have been getting questions the last couple of days on where to send a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request to the IRS. The IRS has two addresses to send the request to depending on the type of documents you need.

If you need information from IRS Headquarters, that is not in the electronic reading room yet, then send the request to:
Fax: 877-807-9215
Mail: IRS FOIA Request
Stop 211
PO Box 621506
Atlanta, GA 30362-3006

If you want your own records or your client's records, send the request to:
Fax: 877-891-6035
Mail: IRS FOIA Request
Stop 93A
Post Office Box 621506
Atlanta GA 30362-3006

That IRS has put together a great source for FOIA requests here.

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